Selasa, 03 November 2015

What was the Best Hot Wheels Super Treasure Hunt of 2015?

Ford mustang boss 302
Now, Hotwheels are move on to 2016…. One year back, they made some pretty nice threasure hunts (rubber tire) and like the lamley group said.. they will nominate the best and worst threasure hunt every year. Now, 2015  Hotwheels is not very bad for me.. because they make it just so detail like the real size.

Ferrari 599xx
Kool Kombi
Hhmmm… for me, the best Threasure Hunts is whichis kool kombi/Ford mustang 302 or Ferrari 599xx. I want both of them here in my showcase but the price is to damn high bro, hahaha… Why 599xx? Because for me this is the last threasure hunt from Ferrari, the bad side start from next year Ferrari not allow contract with Hotwheels anymore, so.. there is no Ferrari in HW anymore. So for me, they made it really nice and sexy… if you look the color and the stripe on the wheels, that’s make the car become sexy. Why Kool Kombi or Ford Mustang 302? Because both of them have the  very high detail, like the ford mustang.. there is detail on the wheels that’s make that car cooler than other, or if you look the Kool Kombi, Hotwheels are success full to make it up the detail for the head lamp and the wheels that’s make this car so classic! And the wood sticker, make the car so detail and very comfortable for anyone look..

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